
Covariate-Assisted Bayesian Graph Learning for Heterogeneous Data

A new Gaussian graphical model that produces subject-specific and predictive graphs with theoretical guarantee.

Graphical Dirichlet Process

Graphical Dirichlet process.

Multi-Way Overlapping Clustering by Bayesian Tensor Decomposition

Bayesian multi-way clustering.

A Unified Bayesian Framework for Bi-Overlapping-Clustering Multi-Omics Data via Sparse Matrix Factorization

Bayesian integrative matrix factorization.

BAGEL: A Bayesian Graphical Model for Inferring Drug Effect on Depression Longitudinally in People with HIV

HIV Longitudinal Drug Effects on Mental Health

A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach for Inferring Drug Combination Effects on Mental Health in People with HIV

HIV Drug Combination Effects on Mental Health

Bayesian Biclustering for Microbial Metagenomic Sequencing Data via Multinomial Matrix Factorization

Bayesian biclustering via multinomial matrix factorization.

Consensus Variational and Monte Carlo Algorithms for Bayesian Nonparametric Clustering

Consensus variational inference.

Consensus Monte Carlo for Random Subsets using Shared Anchors

Consensus Monte Carlo algorithm for DP and IBP

Bayesian Double Feature Allocation for Phenotyping with Electronic Health Records

A categorical matrix factorization method to infer latent diseases from EHR data.

Scalable Bayesian Nonparametric Clustering and Classification

A scalable Monte Carlo algorithm for inference under a large class of nonparametric Bayesian models for clustering and classification.

Heterogeneous Reciprocal Graphical Models

A hierarchical reciprocal graphical models to infer gene networks from heterogeneous data with or without known groups.