Markov Random Field

Covariate-Assisted Bayesian Graph Learning for Heterogeneous Data

A new Gaussian graphical model that produces subject-specific and predictive graphs with theoretical guarantee.

Federated Learning for Sparse Bayesian Models with Applications to Electronic Health Records and Genomics

Bayesian federated learning.

Bayesian Covariate-Dependent Gaussian Graphical Models with Varying Structure

A new Gaussian graphical model that produces subject-specific and predictive graphs with theoretical guarantee.

Phylogenetically Informed Bayesian Truncated Copula Graphical Models for Microbial Association Networks

Truncated copula graphical models for microbial data.

Rejoinder to the Discussion of "Bayesian Graphical Models for Modern Biological Applications."

A review of Bayesian graphical models for biological applications.

Bayesian Graphical Models for Modern Biological Applications

A review of Bayesian graphical models for biological applications.

Sparse Multi-Dimensional Graphical Models: A Unified Bayesian Framework

An array-variate directed acyclic graphical model for tensor data.