Gene Regulatory Network

Individualized Causal Discovery with Latent Trajectory Embedded Bayesian Networks

Individualized causal discovery.

Model-Based Causal Discovery for Zero-Inflated Count Data

Zero-inflated generalized hypergeometric Bayesian networks.

Federated Learning for Sparse Bayesian Models with Applications to Electronic Health Records and Genomics

Bayesian federated learning.

Individualized Inference in Bayesian Quantile Directed Acyclic Graphical Models

Graphical Dirichlet process.

Bayesian Causal Structural Learning with Zero-Inflated Poisson Bayesian Networks

Zero-inflated Poisson Bayesian networks.

Bayesian Graphical Regression

A new directed acyclic graphical model that produces subject-specific and predictive graphs with theoretical guarantee.

Bayesian Nonlinear Model Selection for Gene Regulatory Networks

A Bayesian directed acyclic graphical model to recover the structure of nonlinear gene regulatory networks.