NRC Rankings in Mathematics

  1  Princeton                                4.94
  2  Cal Berkeley                             4.94
  3  MIT                                      4.92
  4  Harvard                                  4.90
  5  Chicago                                  4.69
  6  Stanford                                 4.68
  7  Yale                                     4.55
  8  NYU                                      4.49
  9  Michigan                                 4.23
 10  Columbia                                 4.23
 11  Cal Tech                                 4.19
 12  UCLA                                     4.14
 13  Wisconsin                                4.10
 14  Minnesota                                4.08
 15  Cornell                                  4.05
 16  Brown                                    4.04
 17  Cal San Diego                            4.02
 18  Maryland                                 3.97
 19  Rutgers                                  3.96
 20  SUNY Stony Brook                         3.94
 21  Illinois                                 3.93
 22  Penn                                     3.87
 23  Texas                                    3.85
 24  Rice                                     3.82
 25  Purdue                                   3.82
 26  Washington                               3.76
 27  Northwestern                             3.71
 28  Ohio State                               3.66
 29  Johns Hopkins                            3.65
 30  CUNY                                     3.65
 31  Brandeis                                 3.64
 32  Illinois Chicago                         3.58
 33  Indiana                                  3.53
 34  Duke                                     3.53
 35  Utah                                     3.52
 36  Penn State                               3.50
 37  Washington (St. Louis)                   3.42
 38  Carnegie Mellon                          3.41
 39  North Carolina                           3.24
 40  Southern Cal                             3.23
 41  Georgia Tech                             3.19
 42  Virginia                                 3.18
 43  Notre Dame                               3.11
 44  Oregon                                   3.06
 45  Michigan State                           3.05
 46  Cal Santa Barbara                        3.04
 47  Boston University                        3.03
 48  RPI                                      3.02
 49  Dartmouth College                        2.97
 50  Arizona                                  2.96
 51  Florida                                  2.95
 52  Cal Santa Cruz                           2.92
 53  Rochester                                2.90
 54  North Carolina State                     2.90
 55  Massachusetts                            2.90
 56  Georgia                                  2.90
 57  Pittsburgh                               2.88
 58  Iowa                                     2.85
 59  Texas A&M                                2.84
 60  Cal Irvine                               2.84
 61  Colorado                                 2.83
 62  VPI                                      2.79
 63  SUNY Buffalo                             2.79
 64  Houston                                  2.78
 65  SUNY Binghamton                          2.74
 66  LSU                                      2.74
 67  Kentucky                                 2.72
 68  Temple                                   2.67
 69  Syracuse                                 2.62
 70  Claremont                                2.61
 71  South Carolina                           2.60
 72  Tulane                                   2.59
 73  Tennessee                                2.59
 74  Iowa State                               2.59
 75  Cal Riverside                            2.55
 76  Delaware                                 2.54
 77  Northeastern                             2.52
 78  Florida State                            2.49
 79  SUNY Albany                              2.48
 80  Cal Davis                                2.48
 81  Arizona State                            2.43
 82  Kent State                               2.41
 83  Nebraska                                 2.40
 84  Vanderbilt                               2.39
 85  Case Western                             2.38
 86  Oregon State                             2.37
 87  Kansas State                             2.35
 88  Clemson                                  2.34
 89  Auburn                                   2.31
 90  Wayne State                              2.30
 91  Missouri                                 2.30
 92  Colorado State                           2.28
 93  Lehigh                                   2.22
 94  Hawaii Manoa                             2.20
 95  Polytechnic                              2.18
 96  Oklahoma                                 2.18
 97  Connecticut                              2.16
 98  Wesleyan                                 2.12
 99  Miami                                    2.12
100  Washington State                         2.10
101  North Texas                              2.06
102  Cincinnati                               2.06
103  Texas Tech                               2.03
104  Texas Arlington                          2.02
105  Southern Illinois                        1.98
106  Drexel                                   1.97
107  New Mexico State                         1.95
108  South Florida                            1.90
109  Western Michigan                         1.86
110  Bowling Green                            1.85
111  Wisconsin Milwaukee                      1.84
112  Southern Methodist                       1.83
113  Howard                                   1.82
114  Northern Illinois                        1.72
115  Maryland Baltimore County                1.69
116  Clarkson                                 1.68
117  Saint Louis                              1.63
118  Stevens Tech                             1.62
119  Rhode Island                             1.57
120  Ohio                                     1.57
121  Wyoming                                  1.53
122  Alabama                                  1.47
123  Illinois Tech                            1.45
124  Old Dominion                             1.39
125  Missouri Rolla                           1.33
126  Alabama Huntsville                       1.28
127  George Washington                        1.26
128  Colorado School of Mines                 1.26
129  Adelphi                                  1.24
130  Southwestern Louisiana                   1.13
131  Florida Inst of Tech                     1.09
132  Mississippi                              0.97
133  Texas Dallas                             0.76
134  Idaho State                              0.69
135  Illinois State                           0.40