Analysis of Call Center Arrival Data Using Singular Value Decomposition Haipeng Shen, Jianhua Z. Huang abstract: We consider the general problem of analyzing and modelling call center arrival data. A method is described for analyzing such data using singular value decomposition (SVD). We illustrate that the outcome from the SVD can be used for data visualization, detection of anomalies (outliers), and extraction of significant features from noisy data. The SVD can also be employed as a data reduction tool. Its application usually results in a parsimonious representation of the original data without losing much information. We describe how one can use the reduced data for some further, more formal statistical analysis. For example, a short-term forecasting model for call volumes is developed, which is multiplicative with a time series component that depends on day of the week. We report empirical results from applying the proposed method to some real data collected at a call center of a large-scale US financial organization. Some issues about forecasting call volumes are also discussed.} Key words and phrases: Anomaly detection, call center, data reduction, exploratory data analysis, feature extraction, forecasting call volume.