Polynomial Spline Estimation and Inference of Proportional Hazards Regression Models with Flexible Relative Risk Form Jianhua Z. Huang and Linxu Liu Abstract: The Cox proportional hazards model usually assumes an exponential form for the dependence of the hazard function on covariate variables. However, in practice this assumption may be violated and other relative risk forms may be more appropriate. In this paper, we consider the proportional hazards model with an unknown relative risk form. Issues in model interpretation are addressed. We propose a method to estimate the relative risk form and the regression parameters simultaneously by first approximating the logarithm of the relative risk form by a spline and then employing the maximum partial likelihood estimation. An iterative alternating optimization procedure is developed for efficient implementation. Statistical inference of the regression coefficients and of the relative risk form based on parametric asymptotic theory is discussed. The proposed methods are illustrated using simulation and an application to the Veteran's Administration lung cancer data. Nonparametric regression; Partial likelihood; Proportional hazards model; Single index model; Spline.